Resources for busy teachers of Maths and PE. In most cases you can just download, print and teach! If you would like to purchase more than one product at a time and there is not a bundle for it email me for a custom bundle to get 15% off the total price at
Resources for busy teachers of Maths and PE. In most cases you can just download, print and teach! If you would like to purchase more than one product at a time and there is not a bundle for it email me for a custom bundle to get 15% off the total price at
This resource is a comprehensive SOW for cheerleading. It includes: 5 Cheerleading Lesson plans, A Cheerleading SOW, Cheerleading motions task cards, A step by step video of a 6 x 8 count dance, Assessment levels, Powerpoints, Visual guides
The accompanying website has a variety of free guides for all aspects of cheerleading
This bundle contains gymnastics balances for students to copy for individuals, pairs, trios, groups of 4s and groups of 5+.
The individual balance product contains:
A4 black and white page with approx 45 balances on for students to copy
Differentiated by colour A4 page with approx 45 balances on (green - easy, yellow - medium, red- hard, purple -challenging
An A4 page where the balances are grouped by difficulty
An A4 page where the balances are grouped by height (good for compositional work with students to get them to see the different between heights)
An A4 activity/task card with 7 different tasks students can work through independently - culminating in them creating a short sequence of their own.(editable and pdf versions)
The pairs, trios ands 4s balance products contain:
An A4 resource card with approximately 40 balances on for students to copy (green - easy, yellow - medium, red- hard, purple -challenging)
A set of task cards that will culminate in students creating their own sequence
The 5+ balances contain:
1 A4 page of pictures of balances for students to accurately replicate in their routines. Each product contains between 20- 40 gymnastics balances.
The counter tension and counter balance resources are one page per difficulty and type (6 pages) and a total of 22 balances. Differentiated by bronze (easiest), silver and gold.
The balance dice resource includes:
-2 x Easy balances dice templates to print
-2 x Medium balances dice templates print
-2 x Hard balances dice templates print
-1x Powerpoint file for the teacher to use to pick random links between balances. This includes a random links spinner, and an on screen prompt list for each type of link.
What you see in the previews is what is included in the products.
This bundle is a growing bundle - So there will be more products added to it in the future but the price will also go up in the future! If you purchase this product now you will be able to download all future updates for free! - please download the file named “Gym bundle all in one place”, the extra products will be in there.
If you are unable to do this, please email me at Let me know your TES user name and the date you purchased the product and I will email you the update link (I will usually respond to emails within a couple of hours).
Contained in this product currently (updated 9/9/19) :
Individual balances
Pair balances
trio balances
Group of 4 balances
Group of 5+ balances
Counter balance and counter tension pairs balances
Individual balances stations
Matching and mirroring task cards
Matching and mirroring quiz quiz trade cards
Roll a balance dice templates
Next new product that will be added is
Individual gymnastics lesson plans.
Gymnastics lesson plan - basic shapes. This is a comprehensive lesson plan on basic shapes in gymnastics. This lesson is most suitable for students on their first unit of gymnastics (year 7). I also have a unit of work available here for year 7.
The lesson includes:
Warm up
The 7 basic shapes and examples
Independent/teacher led tasks
Basic shapes task cards with clear illustrations and teaching points
Quiz Quiz trade basic shapes plenary
Evaluation opportunities
Objectives and levels
Organisational points
Easily could be used as an observation lesson.
This lesson was created to save time for busy teachers and is made so teachers with little gymnastics experience can teach it just as well as those with lots. You should be able to teach a lesson with minimal preparation and I made these so in most cases they can be just picked up and taught.
All lessons have levelled outcomes. The levels are the old national curriculum levels 3-8 however they are easily editable and changeable to your own assessment levels.
Each lesson has assessment levels, diagrams, differentiation , clear teaching points, clear task explanations and afl opportunities. This lesson should provide enough tasks for lessons of 40 minutes and above.
The next lesson in this unit is gymnastics lesson 2- rotations .
Check out my other gymnastics resources here
A comprehensive set of differentiated task card students can use to copy counter balance and counter tension balances from. This product includes:
All the differentiated balances on A4 landscape
Seperate A4 portrait versions of each of the 6 sections (could be used as differentiated stations)
Please see here for a less comprehensive free resource on counter balance and counter tension.
Some products you might like:
Individual balances
Pair balances
Trio balances
Group of 4 balances
Please email me on if you would like a custom gymnastics product.
A fun activity for use in a gymnastics balance lesson. There are 2 printable dice templates, each with 6 random balances on them.
1 printable dice template with easy balances
1 printable dice template with medium balances
I would suggest printing them off on thick paper or thin card. After sticking the tabs together I would also recommend sticking sellotape over the joins to get the dice to last longer.
Click here for my roll a balance activity - which includes more dice and a random link spinner.
This gymnastics trio balances reference sheet and task card set are perfect for your Primary or Secondary Gymnastics Lessons. This Resources includes a set of Gymnastics group balances task cards for trio balances and routines as well as an A4 differentiated visual aid (with around 50 balances) students can use to copy the trio balances from.
The tasks take students through how to match, mirror and complement individual balances as well as creating their own interpretations independently. They also included tasks that use the trio balances resource sheet:
Students select and practice
Find ways of getting into and out of the balances
Linking 2 trio balances together
Developing their own trio balances from pairs balances, top positions or base positions given
Creating a short sequence
Easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red, Purple
I would only suggest purple and red to those that are really competent gymnasts and have done some sports acro before - otherwise support would be required.
Please note what you see in the previews is everything included.
Recommendations for use for the A4 balances resource page:
Give each group a copy of the resource and they can self differentiate
Give each group a copy and give them a colour to try based on their ability
Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the positions to create a new balance and show the class
Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus
Need other gymnastics balances? Click here
This gymnastics group balances for groups of 4 reference sheet and task card set are perfect for your Primary or Secondary Gymnastics Lessons. This resource includes a set of Gymnastics group balances task cards for group balances and routines as well as a differentiated visual aid (with around 30 balances) students can use to copy the group balances from.
The task cards contain 16 tasks on 13 pages. The tasks take students through how to match, mirror and complement individual balances as well as creating their own interpretations independently. They also included tasks that use the group of 4 balances resource sheet:
Students select and practice
Find ways of getting into and out of the balances
Linking 2 group of 4 balances together
Developing their own 4 person balances by matching and mirroring pairs balances, trio balances, top positions or base positions given
Creating a short sequence
Easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red, Purple
I would only suggest purple and red to those that are really competent gymnasts and have done some sports acro before - otherwise support would be required.
Recommendations for use for the A4 resource card:
Give each group a copy of the resource and they can self differentiate
Give each group a copy and give them a colour to try based on their ability
Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the positions to create a new balance and show the class
Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus
Need other gymnastics balances? Click here
A group of resource and task cards for individual gymnastics balances that students can use to select and accurately replicate balances for their routines. Useful in a secondary or primary PE lesson on balance or routines and great for independent work.
This is used in my Scheme of work for individual routines available here
Included in this resource:
A4 black and white page with approx 45 balances on for students to copy
Differentiated by colour A4 page with approx 45 balances on (green - easy, yellow - medium, red- hard, purple -challenging
An A4 page where the balances are grouped by difficulty
An A4 page where the balances are grouped by height (good for compositional work with students to get them to see the different between heights)
An A4 activity/task card with 7 different tasks students can work through independently - culminating in them creating a short sequence of their own.(editable and pdf versions)
Recommendations for the A4 page of 45 balances:
Give each student a copy of the resource
Give a group a copy and challenge them to match or mirror the balances
Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the leg or arm positions to create a new balance and show the class
Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus
Need other gymnastics balances? Click here
An A4 differentiated gymnastics balance task card students can use in a gymnastics lesson on balances or routines to copy the group of 5+ balances from. Easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red , Purple. There is at least one balance for groups of 5, 6, 7, and 8.
I would only suggest purple to those that are really competent gymnasts and have done some sports acro before - otherwise lots of support would be required. I also would suggest support for those attempting red if they do not have a gymnastics background.
Recommendations for use:
Give each group a copy of the resource and they can self differentiate
Give each group a copy and give them a colour to try based on their ability
Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the positions to create a new balance and show the class
Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus
Need other gymnastics balances? Click here
Please email me at if you would like a custom gymnastics balances product or bundle.
This gymanstics pair balances reference sheet and task card set are perfect for your Primary or Secondary Gymnastics Lessons. This resource includes a set of Gymnastics Pair Balances task cards for pairs balances and routines as well as an A4 differentiated visual aid (with around 50 balances) students can use to copy the paired balances from.
The tasks take students through how to match and mirror individual balances and matching and mirroring independently. They also included tasks that use the pair balances resource sheet:
Students select and practice
Find ways of getting into and out of the balances
Linking 2 pair balances together
Developing their own balances from pair or base positions given
Creating a short sequence
The pair balances resource sheet includes balances that are differentiated by colour. Easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red, Purple
I would only suggest purple and red to those that are really competent gymnasts and have done some sports acro before - otherwise support would be required.
If you want lesson plans for pair routines check out my SOW here!
Recommendations for use:
Give each group a copy of the resource and they can self differentiate
Give each group a copy and give them a colour to try based on their ability
Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the positions to create a new balance and show the class
Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus
Need other gymnastics balances? Click here
A gymnastics balances task card students can use to copy counter balance and counter tension balance. Perfect for a gymnastics lesson on balances, partner work or routines! A total of 9 different balances are included, 5 counter tension and 4 counter balance.
This product is a less comprehensive version of my differentiated counter tension and counter balance task cards which includes more counter tensions and balances to copy from which are arranged by difficulty.
Need other gymnastics balances? Click here
Please email me on if you would like a custom gymnastics product.
A SOW / set of 6 lesson plans for hockey covering the following skills:
Push and slap passing
Block tackling
Individual attacking skills (push and run, roll out, v drag, drag left and right, lift)
Penalty/short corners
Game play
Click here to see lesson 1 for FREE
This SOW was created to save time for busy teachers and is made so teachers with little/no hockey experience can teach it just as well as those with lots. You should be able to teach a lesson with minimal preparation and I made these so in most cases they can be just picked up and taught.
There is an assesssment matrix included and all lessons have levelled outcomes. The levels are the old national curriculum levels 3-8 however they are easily editable and changeable to your own assessment levels.
Each lesson has diagrams, assessment levels, differentiation , clear teaching points, links to videos that show the skill and afl opportunities. As well as clear explanations of the tasks. There are no timings included as each school can vary in terms of lesson time. They should provide enough tasks for lessons of 40 minutes and above.
Other products you might like -
I also have individual lesson plans and other SOWs available for hockey please click here to see them.
If you have an requests for custom products and have any comments about the product here please email me at
4 Stations/task cards for individual gymnastics balances. Useful in a lesson on balance or routines and great for independent work.There is a standing balances station, a kneeling and sitting balances station, a inverted balances station and a support balances station. There are enough balances on each station card to cater to complete beginners and for experienced gymnasts.
Colour and black and white versions included (to save on ink).
Recommendations for use:
Set up 4 different stations around the room and give students set times on each station then move them on (think circuit)
Split the group into 4 and give each group a station card - swap them over as needed
Place the balances in a central position and get students to pick on balance from each station that they should link together into a short sequence
Give to a non doer for them to see if their peers are accurately replicating the balances
Need other gymnastics balances? Click here
This gymnastics balances bundle contains different paired balance resources, perfect for a gymnastics lesson on partner work, balances or routines.
It includes:
A differentiated task card students can use to copy counter balance and counter tension balances from.
A task card with a random mix of counter balance and counter tension
A task card with approx 40 paired balances that are differentiated by colour - easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red , Purple
Please email me at if you would like a custom gymnastics product or a custom bundle.
This product is designed to help with the composition of gymnastics routines and more specifically relationships between partners (matching and mirroring & canon and unison).
2 A4 landscape pages showing illustrations of matching and mirroring balances. This could either be used as a display or as a help card.
An A4 scaffolded task card students can use to help them with creating a sequence
Practical application in a lesson:
Give the lower ability pairs the matching and mirroring display posters for them to accurately replicate the balances on there
Give the middle ability students the task card to work through
Give the higher ability studets a sheet of balances and tell them they have to include matching and mirroring & canon and unsion in a short sequence.
This takes up an entire lesson.
This product is great when used with the following products:
Matching and mirroring quiz quiz trade cards(free)
Gymnastics assessment Levels matrix for KS3(free)
Compositional aspects of gymnastics sequences/routines(free)
Individual gymnastic balances (premium)
Please email me at if you would like a custom gymnastics balances product.
See here for my other gymnastics products.
This Lesson is a comprehensive lesson plan for Dribbling in hockey for beginners. Probably most appropriate for year 7.
This was created to save time for busy teachers and is made so teachers with little/no hockey experience can teach it just as well as those with lots. You should be able to teach a lesson with minimal preparation and I made these so in most cases they can be just picked up and taught.
Each lesson has assessment levels, clear teaching points, afl opportunities and clear explanations of the tasks. There are no timings included as each school can vary in terms of lesson time. They should provide enough tasks for lessons of 40 minutes and above.
If you need a whole SOW for year 7 please click here
Click here for other hockey lesson plans
If you have an requests for custom products and have any comments about the product here please email me at